Musings of a Small Town Christian

David Hardesty is a Christian, a musician, a husband, an East Coaster who grew up in the West, a Southerner now living in the North. He's been on 5 continents, in all 50 States, and in plenty of places that blessed, scared or taught him something. Ambitions? To walk like Noah, play like Carlos, and drive like a Congo Cabbie. These are his thoughts...

Location: United States

Love God, my wife, the kids, my church, and Arizona Wildcats Basketball.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I'm a red-blooded American guy. I know that for sure. How do I know? Well, I've got my birth certificate that vouches for "American" and "guy". And it says I'm O+. So there.

So you can expect me to have red-blooded American guy leanings. And I do. I like meat. I like football. And I think women are so much more attractive than men that they must be another species.

But I've never fallen into the trap of thinking that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Playboy". REAL women have flaws (except for my Missus) and don't look like they are about to explode with lust. At least, not around me. And as far as porn goes, my opinion is a lot like C.S. Lewis's:

"You can get a large audience together for a strip-tease act. Now suppose you came to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let everyone see, just before the lights went out, that it contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? And would not someone who had grown up in a different world think there was something equally odd about the state of the sex instinct (in America)?"

So, although I've seen a few dirty pictures in my 43 years of life, I don't go looking for them, or find them enticing.

But the other night I was buying my groceries and there, RIGHT IN FRONT OF GOD AND THE WHOLE WORLD, was a magazine cover that caught my attention. Some Hollywood Starlet was made up and dressed down; rouged, lipsticked, and blown dry; wearing a low blouse and a high skirt; leering at me like she couldn't go another minute without ripping off my shirt (etc) and mauling my rock hard body.

It was a little embarrassing. I mean, I can understand why she'd want to ravish me, but there in the WalMart check out line? Please!

Actually, I didn't find her exciting. I was a little sad for her (and not just because she couldn't have me RIGHT THEN when she was SO HOT FOR ME!). There's a line somewhere between sexy and crude, between hot and pathetic. Yep, even in America. And somewhere, she crossed that line.

I hope she finds her way back. She's probably a really nice person dealing with all the bad influences that come with living in America (especially if you're young and beautiful). And the Good Lord really does love her, underneath the makeup and floozewear.

Next time I see a magazine cover like that I'm going to pray for the woman. And in the meantime, if you'd like to see something more clever and a whole lot less obvious, check out

It'll give you a new perspective!


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