Musings of a Small Town Christian

David Hardesty is a Christian, a musician, a husband, an East Coaster who grew up in the West, a Southerner now living in the North. He's been on 5 continents, in all 50 States, and in plenty of places that blessed, scared or taught him something. Ambitions? To walk like Noah, play like Carlos, and drive like a Congo Cabbie. These are his thoughts...

Location: United States

Love God, my wife, the kids, my church, and Arizona Wildcats Basketball.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Semi-final Tally

Still here in San Francisco. Still "stuffed like the Christmas goose" as my granny might have said. My father-in-law (who is a very good cook) is making dinner now, and that gives me time to catch up on my accounting:

Thursday - dim sum for lunch, massive Chinese feast (MCF) for dinner
Friday - chinese pastries for breakfast, chow fun for lunch, MCF for dinner
Saturday - pancakes for breakfast; jook, dumplings, and a whole mess of chinese food for lunch (at Uncle Joe's); EMCNYF (extra-massive Chinese New Year Feast) for dinner, including sharkfin soup, walnut shrimp, sea bass, garlic chicken, 2 lobsters, squab, black mushrooms with greens and sea cucumbers, longlife noodles, and red bean soup (don't bother trying it) for dessert. The missus and I were at the "kids" (2nd and 3rd generations) table with the cousins, and ate until we were ready to burst. THAT would have been disgusting.
Sunday - chinese pastries for breakfast, Giorgio's Pizza for lunch (you've got to try Giorgio's, if you're ever in SF; it's one of my two favorite pizza places in the
world); Italian food for dinner; dessert at 10:00 at the Cheesecake factory (keylime, peach cobbler, and kahlua cocoa coffee cheesecakes).
Monday - chinese pastries for breakfast (TREND!), hong kong style noodles for lunch (tomato beef, mixed, and beef chow fun); ice cream in the afternoon, and (in 10 minutes) duck, a honkin' big fish, and stuffed tofu for dinner.

Yes, I have eaten more than Ethiopia this weekend. I'm busting my seams, all my wrinkles have gone stretchy smooth, and I'm a little embarassed. But reasonably content! We'll be going home tomorrow, presuming United Airlines will let us both on the same plane. My beloved has to go to work Wednesday so - if necessary - I'll let her catch the first flight, and I'll go standby on 2 or 3 other airlines. In fact, it may TAKE 2 or 3 other airlines to get me home. But I am optimistic that between United, Alaska, and Delta; a couple of building cranes; and the United States Air Force, I will be able to sleep in my bed tomorrow night.

Sun Neen Phi Loc!


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