Musings of a Small Town Christian

David Hardesty is a Christian, a musician, a husband, an East Coaster who grew up in the West, a Southerner now living in the North. He's been on 5 continents, in all 50 States, and in plenty of places that blessed, scared or taught him something. Ambitions? To walk like Noah, play like Carlos, and drive like a Congo Cabbie. These are his thoughts...

Location: United States

Love God, my wife, the kids, my church, and Arizona Wildcats Basketball.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Not As Qualified As I'd Like to Be

There are some jobs you really need a resume for. CEO at a Fortune 500 Company. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Head football coach at the University of Alabama (but apparently not the Oakland Raiders). Probably even Pope (500 year-old quotes or not).

Last week Rosie O'Donnell, opined on her TV gabfest The View that "Radical Christianity is just as dangerous as Radical Islam." Now, apart from things like hijacking jetliners and ramming them into office buildings; exploding car bombs in crowded markets; forcing women into seclusion (or burkhas); ; preaching violent overthrow of the government; counting "suicide bomber of children on school buses" as an honorable occupation; beheading journalists, Muslim aid workers, and politicians; and generally murdering those we disagree with; and the fact that I don't think I know ANY Christians who are opposed to allowing people to freely practice a variety of religions, but there are myriads who believe in Jesus and His command to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, I can see where she's coming from.

Rosie, I don't know exactly what it took for you to get your job, but thanks for your thoughtful, insightful, and intellectual contribution to the world of whatever you were talking about. Here, have another donut.

But what does that have to do with resumes? Well, I have to admit, like the author of the following article, that I'm not really qualified to be called a "Radical" Christian. I'm just a piker on the "Radical" scale, a 98-pound weakling trying to swing a mallet and win the cigar. Check out the great piece of writing (which truly is thoughtful, insightful, and intellectual) at this link and you'll understand more of what I'm talking about.

Monday morning blessings to all - including Rosie.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pity the Pope

Pity the Pope. Poor guy. First of all, he uses a centuries-old quote that says Mohammed brought nothing good, but instead brought violence and jihad. He should have known in advance that there was NO WAY that would be received well. The fact that statements of jihad have been issued and that violence broke out in response... well, didn't you see that coming? The Pope seems pretty reasonable, but pity him - he really put his foot in it.

Second, pity the Pope because his apologies won't be heard. Sure, he says he doesn't believe the quote. He says he "respects" Islam as worshipping the "one God" (we'll get back to that in a minute). He says he was only using the quote as a starting place for his speech on reasonable discourse between faiths. But that's not going to stop the many Muslims who are saying he must be replaced as pope, saying he must convert to Islam at once to show his sincere contrition, saying the green flag of Islam will soon wave over the Vatican, or just calling for his head. Cut off. With a dull and rusty blade.

Third, pity the Pope because he can't win. To really be forgiven by Muslims he must issue an abject apology and praise Islam as true. But wouldn't that violate the faith we suppose he holds? Or he can be true to his own faith and say, "Muslims must be respected, as everyone must be, but God is perfectly revealed only in Jesus Christ." How'd you like to be him if he actually states what the Bible says?

One thing I appreciate about Muslims is that they believe in their religion. They are devoted to Muhammed and protect his name. They don't take any guff. But that doesn't mean they are right, or that they are worshipping "the one God".

If the Bible is true, the One God
created everything that exists, through His eternal, divine Son Christ Jesus;
displayed His power through the Jews;
sent a Savior for sinful humans, His own Son, Jesus Christ;
perfectly revealed Himself through that Son, Who was the exact representation of His Father on earth;
is approachable ONLY through that Son, Jesus Christ;
allowed that Son to be crucified as a saving sacrifice for sins;
forgives sins ONLY through that sacrifice;
raised that Son to life and authority;
seated Him on the throne of Heaven;
receives sinners who repent and trust Jesus as Savior;
gives those sinners new life and a Father-child relationship with Him;
will one day judge the world through that Son, when every knee shall bow and every tongue admit that Jesus Christ is Lord;
will be honored by that Son, Jesus Christ, as the last act of human history.

The Pope should say all that, and be true to His faith. He should let them hear the message of the Christian church. Sure, they may worship one god. But if they don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, Muslims simply don't worship the One God Who is over all. (And please don't bomb my children or cut off my head for saying so.)