Musings of a Small Town Christian

David Hardesty is a Christian, a musician, a husband, an East Coaster who grew up in the West, a Southerner now living in the North. He's been on 5 continents, in all 50 States, and in plenty of places that blessed, scared or taught him something. Ambitions? To walk like Noah, play like Carlos, and drive like a Congo Cabbie. These are his thoughts...

Location: United States

Love God, my wife, the kids, my church, and Arizona Wildcats Basketball.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward

I'm a little under the weather today; my annual pre-Christmas congestion and froggy-throat have struck, so I'm staying home and doing health-care. It's a drag, but something I've learned to live with. On the positive side, it never knocks me out, just down for a bit. As long as I can finish shopping for my Missus before Christmas, I'm good (still haven't found the Lexus in the perfect shade of yellow).

But two cool things have happened to me. First, my wife and I went caroling with some Christian friends last night. We traveled through the rain to the VA hospital, went round and round trying to find the wing where people were waiting for us, finally found the door (right next to the "Smoking Room"; you know, the one that all the people on oxygen go to to get their tar and nicotine), and discovered - yep! - we were the first ones there.

I took my guitar along, and about 15 of us spent two hours singing to our veterans. They've done a good job for our country, and we wanted to do a good job for them. We got a lot of appreciation, and it was time well spent. After all, giving a blessing is always a good thing. And the coldish symptoms held off long enough for me to belt out Joy to the World and Feliz Navidad (thank You, Lord!). One lesson learned? Don't try to improvise The Christmas Song ("chestnuts roasting on an open fire..."); it's a lot trickier than it looks.

Second cool thing was an e-mail I got from Sancha, my globe-trotting friend. She got ahold of Musings and found something in it worth sending to a friend in Holland. Woo-hoo, we've gone worldwide! Hello to all in Spain, China, the Congo, England, Holland, and yes, the USA. Hope you each have a blessed day!

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